There was a gale blowing this morning....and some rain!
I did the usual 20 minute warm-up in light rain & strong winds; stretched & psyched myself up to let go!!
A good 'tail-gale' gave me a flying start to the finish........15:10! (3 weeks ago 18:22)
The last km was, as usual, well- nigh impossible to get to the end of...always the case when you've taken what seems like your last breath & legs, even lucky ones, say they've had enough! Walked 3km back to the car...headwind all the way. This is a really tough session for me & the last km hurts like hell, but when it's over & I see some improvement, I forget all about the pain!
Now I can't wait for my report card to arrive!
Edit (late at night) : I received a very good report card from Ewen who also gave me some excellent advice & warnings (re Blackmore's half marathon) that others will find helpful, so I'll include 2 of them here - (1) Running a fast half takes a lot of effort & racing hard often detracts from enjoying the event; (2) ..it (the half) will be a success if you feel good during the race even if you don't run under 2hours 30.
Those words (gems each one of them) will be deeply implanted in my mind & will be my guide on race day, especially during those inevitable stretches when Chickybabe is running alone!