6km on the treadmill followed by some much needed work on the leg press ......
This has to improve before tackling "6ft Track- The Slower Version"!
My Blog is about my training, running and a few other bits & pieces that happen along the way.
......even the cows were amused to see this sluggard sauntering past this morning!
An overcast, cool morning with quite a heavy fog on the ranges, I put in some walk breaks because that's what I felt like doing! In this ambling fashion 80 minutes became 90 minutes. Now for this week's program.....
26 - 4km 'easy'
27 - 4km 'easy'
28 - TIME TRIAL : 3km fast - usual warm-up, strides, stretching. Usual GRRRR!
29 - Rest Day.
30 - 6km 'easy'
Sat 1 - 3km 'easy' or rest.
Sun 2 - Long Run 16km 'easy'
I think I'd better hide! I'm pretty sure I made a mess of today session as I did the important bits in reverse order!
I did the 20 minutes warm up on grass, 4x100m strides, stretched & walked to the start of the first km which should have been run in 6:30, walk back to the start & the second km in 6:20. The important part was to run the second km faster than the first!
Instead, I ran the 1st km easily in 5:44 & felt very comfortable; I would have had to slow right down to extend the time to a 6:00 min/km & thought I wouldn't have to try much harder to run the second km just 10 seconds faster!! WRONG! The seconds slipped away & by the time I looked at my watch, it was too late even though I made a huge dash to finish...2nd km was 6:00 minutes! So did I do the 1st km too fast or should I have pushed harder in the 2nd km?? Only time & Ewen will tell!! Report card tonight!
Glorious day; very warm; all the spring blossoms bloomin' their little buds off; walked leisurely 3km back home thinking : now, why did I get that so wrong??
Report Card :
1) Following instructions 4/10
2) Performance 8/10
3) Form 8/10 (that's a guess as I didn't see you run)
4) Learning 9/10
This report is being very generous, I think, as I was expecting 0/10 for #1.
............I think I'll soon be able to run out of sight...but only on a dark night! Nevertheless, I practically flew today!! Finished in 65 minutes (neg. split 3 mins.).........fastest 10km in the last 12 months.....2 of which were 75 minutes (Fitzroy Falls) & 67 minutes (Fisher's Ghost) both in 2004. Ewen thinks I'll be drug tested soon....isn't he sweet?! And what a coach!
Left Mittagong at 6:00a.m. & in Canberra just before 8:00a.m. for what was to be perfect running weather; plenty of time to queue for loos as usual & warm up for the 9.45a.m. start with over 2000(?) 10km runners & 1500(?) 5km walkers who started at our 5km mark. At my slower pace I got caught up with the walkers but managed to wriggle my way around & through them & zoomed along the cycle track without getting lost!!
The course was good...a few long inclines & some very welcome declines. A short, steep slope was something of a surprise at the very end of the run! It was great to meet up with more Cool Runners & relax for a while on the shores of the Lake before driving back to Mittagong.
A day well worth the effort!
Obviously, I'm hopeless wth names!
L. to R. : CRs Griffin, LL, Speedy Geoff, AKI, CJ, Flash Duck, Strewth, Ewen/Wombatface.
(Hope I've got it right!)
Three days without a computer!! After major surgery, we're back in business!
Brief Recap : Sunday : Long Run........1:04 out; 1:01 return; 16km in cold, wet, windy conditions.
Monday : Took the day off to recover...& to have another birthday! Phew! Made it to another one!
Tuesday : Did 30 minutes on elliptical trainer.
And now for the rest of this week :
7 - TIME TRIAL 2km hard.*
8 - Rest Day.
9 - 30 minutes easy including 'strides' at end.**
10 - Rest Day..... OR...... Walk with Wombat in Sydney (definitely the latter!)
* "Don't go all out for a PB....not 2008 1500m Olympic Games pace."!!!!!
(Just as well I got this modification..I intended going much faster than that!
** "Cut back to 20-25 minutes EASY jogging." That I can do.... EASILY!