Program : 2km warm-up
Drills, strides.
12 laps (5km) 'sitting on' heart rate 136 (86%). Time each 2 laps.
I did the warm-up etc wearing Newton trainers. Bare feet for the main, soft grass.
2km warm-up in 16 minutes, drills, strides.
12 laps timing each 2 laps = 5:08; 5:00; 5:02; 4:49; 5:05; 5:16.
Distance = 5:09
AHR = 136 (86%); MHR = 142 = (89%)
Avg. Pace = 6:02.
Time = 31:43.... & PB! (32 seconds faster than the last time I did this same session on 22nd June!)
I called this a 'funny' sort of track session because never, ever have I felt sick during this or any other kind of training, but I did today. All fine except for coming to the finish of the last lap I felt that I was going to throw up; crossed the line, walked to the fence & started to dry-reach a couple of times feeling like I was going to die there & then!
I suspect that I wasn't quite ready for a hard session so soon after the heavy cold I've had & which still hangs around just like I said it would. Nasty, cruel thing!
Back home & showered, I took to the bed & slept for nearly 2 hours this afternoon! Finally, a bowl of soup seems to have settled things and of course.....tomorrow is another day, which I intend to be a resting one!
Distance today = 7km