....no set program.
........Pilates Class at the gym followed by 25 minutes on the elliptical trainer. Glorious day in the Highlands...last day of Winter!
My Blog is about my training, running and a few other bits & pieces that happen along the way.
.....all the white lines are back on the track at Chev. No one else there which is always comforting because I'd hate for anyone to see how I struggled today...the mind is willing but the body is getting on a bit!
Program : warm-up, stretches, some drills & 4 x 100m strides.
6 x 800m @ 90% of MHR. 2 Sets of 3.
Warm-down & some stretches.
Well, I tried, but it was a struggle the whole time & I'd forgotten just how hard a Hard Day can be! To make matters worse, I completely messed up Mr G-armin & as a result I have no lap times, which Ewen said would have been helpful! I'm pleased I don't know them...they would not have been good. I'll use the Polar next track session. The only light moment that came out of this session was much later, watching the red dot on the MotionBased Player (after the download of the other rubbish), showing the 2 trots I made to the toilet block & back onto the track...I had forgotten it was tracking my every movement!
...Renwick Soccer Field for a Short Speed Session.....called 'Diagonals'.
Warm-up, Stretches, Drills (getting good at these I think)!
4 'Diagonals' running corner to corner hard, but with goof form. Jog across short sides.
Did 3 Sets of 4 with 3 minutes recovery between sets....12 diagonals. Avg. HR 70%; Max HR 90%
Warm-down : jog once around the soccer field & some more stretches.
Weather perfect: warm, sunny, no wind, slight breeze. Wore Frees. I liked this session & can't see any problems with it.....very possibly Ewen could though!
I realize the lass in green definitely does not look like she's a Pilates expert, but it'll do for a Whatever Day!
I have to say I enjoyed it a lot; about 10 in the class & an excellent instructor who, after demonstrating breathing & simple movements, went round checking individually that each person was doing exactly what she wanted in each exercise. Time = 1 hour.
After that : 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer; then shopping, then home for brunch at mid-day.
Tomorrow, Sydney again; rest Saturday and.......with what's left....run(?) C2S Sunday!
.......................................................................... we did this!
As for Mr G-armin...enough said! He went off his brain this morning & then started to tell me to slow down! Of course, it could be my settings I suppose!!
At this minute (4:00p.m) , every kind of weather is happening : it's freezing cold, the sun is out & it's raining! Temperature hovering around 7.5 degrees....brrrrrr!
To the gym this morning for the treadmill & the Program : 50 - 65 minutes 'easy' running.
Did some stretches first; 60 minutes ('talking to the cows' pace) and finished with a few more stretches.