Program : 4 - 6km very easy. On grass Renwick soccer field.
By 3km I thought about stopping. At 4km I stopped! My legs felt really good until I started running & then they felt not so good so, rather than push for another 2km, I decided to save the energy for another more important day during the week. Some stretches on the grass in the shade.
Today I took a look at the link to the Sri Chinmoy Races Sydney Series 2008, the first of which was held last Sunday. I'm thinking I'd like to do some of these during the coming months....the ones I know how to get to without getting lost! The Dolls Point Half Marathon in July is where I did my very first half marathon, late 1980's I think.
Hang in there LL - not long now. Can't wait to cheer you on in Canberra! :)