The run was 'hard' on the road, but this yellow climbing rose on the trellis was 'easy' on the eyes at home!
7km @ AHR 85%....Upper Aerobic.
Before starting - at 10:45am - I did the usual "body looseners" & then set off at a creepy slow pace to begin with, gradually warming up for the first 2km & then into the "hard" stuff for 5km.
I ran 3.5km out & back on Old South Road and, though there was some huffing & puffing on the return, I felt OK keeping heart rate around 126bpm. A few longish inclines & a couple of steeper hills.
Total of 7km in 51 minutes (last 5k in 35 mins.)
AHR for 7km = 78%; MHR = 88%
The rose is looking good. Did you put the Roundup under lock and key this year?