Today I had to run 16km @ 6:57 to 7:06 per km....i.e. finish 16km in 1 hour 54 minutes.
So....I ran 16 km and finished in 1:54.07!
Avg. pace = 7:07; Best 4:45.
AHR 118 (75%); MHR 132 (84%).
I ran what I call my 'Inkerman Road Loop'. Perfect morning : cool breeze, warm but not at all hot. Bitumen road all the way, very quiet, no traffic and a very pretty part of Mittagong. I felt the pace was comfortable and was running 6:? for most of the time except for where the hills and long inclines slowed me down in spite of making a big effort not to. At least I did put in the effort!
So that's one week's trial of running three days only. I've liked it so far and no problems with each of the three sessions...yet! I guess I might be of another mind after weeks 2, 3, 4 and more with distances and paces increasing each week!
Anyhow, it's a trial program and all's good so far.
You're very clever to be able to follow that red line for 16k without getting lost. Ruth would be still out there!