The roof tops were mere hurdles to fly over...as the Google satellite shows!
The wind was so vile that I decided to stay in Radio Road for shelter (so called because it is the location of the local community road) - but soon got bored with running up and down, so I took off : in, around and all over the school grounds, tennis court and soccer field for 3kms. The almost invisible zigzag to the right of the first building is where I ran 'high knees' up a grassy slope and walked down again all along the length of the building...just for something different to do!
For the next three kilometres I ran fast (?) along Radio Road (approx 300m) and then jogged slowly back to the start...did this four times followed by a short warm-down....same as above but minus the zigzagging! During today's training, as if the wind wasn't enough to put up with, it rained SLEET!
I know the weather Gods were testing how much I could take before giving up, but I just shook a fist and told them it would take much more than fierce wind and sleet smacking my face like tiny bullets to force me to stop! They, the Gods, gave in after a few minutes and allowed the sun to shine through. Relief! We've had several showers of sleet during the afternoon.....and it's so cold! I think I'll lie down and read my book for an hour or two!
Today 6km
Enjoy that book! You deserve a rest. It was bitter outside running here today too - nasty wind. Where's our lovely Spring sunshine gone?