Having taken the trouble to trot down to the fence for a pat, the least I could do was take their photos and have a short chat! Beautiful animals!
15km today.......last longish run before Blackmores Half next Sunday.
7.5km out on Diamond Fields Road.
Time 60 minutes
AHR 111(70%); MHR 126 (80%).
7.5km return in 55 minutes
AHR 120 (76%); MHR 134 (88%).
Negative Split 5 minutes! Weeee Heeee!
I tried hard for a negative split but doubted I'd get it running back into a strong headwind. Not a very nice day again : too hot and too windy for Springtime; all the blossoms are being snatched from the trees and left swirling around on the road like snow flakes. Patches of smoke in the ranges and fire engine sirens sounding on and off all day......a warning for the Summer ahead.
Distance this week, 4 days only = 38km.
If you run a negative split like that on Sunday I'll be calling in the stewards!