A massive win for VP this morning!
I started late around 11:30a.m and it was already very hot. Road works were happening on the flattish loop on Bong Bong Road where I usually do a tempo run, so the only alternative was to do the run on a very hilly Diamond Fields Road.
As soon as we hit the first steep hill, VP just kept on going while I died to a plod. He was 30m ahead, then 60, 100m, 200m, until he finished back at the start, more than 600m ahead of me. What a thrashing! He had made good all his previous defeats in one fell swoop and was reading, relaxed and rested, in the shade of a tree when I finally made it to the end walking up the last hill!
1.6km jog warm-up and two drills.
6.8km in 49:53
Avg. Pace 7:20....VP kept slogging away at a 6:36min/km!
AHR 125 (79%); MHR 137 (86%)
1.6km walking warm-down.
I might use the same course on another tempo run and see if I can manage the hills any better than I did today. I don't much like being beaten at all, let alone so convincingly, so another attempt needs to be done...... some other time!
Hope you bought the drinks. That was the best race I've ever seen from VP. Next time try tying his shoelaces together!