.....so, to the gym again, this time to use the treadmill which I programmed for a "Random" 10km and random it was with more hills than 'random' should ever have!
The fact that I found this a pretty tough session began to feel easier when a young man stepped onto the treadmill beside me & started running.......carrying an army pack on his back! I couldn't help but ask how much it weighed....30kg he said! Turns out he's in the army & this is regular training every 2 or 3 days. He'd walk for a while, then jog & finally sprint before getting off for a break, only to resume the same routine over & over. In his very early 20's I'd guess & had the most beautiful smile I've seen in a long time! Aaaah, youth can be such a beautiful thing!!
Features were a bit like Robson Green from "Wire in the Blood" if anyone looked at that series, but this smile was all sunshine!
Anyhow, back to training :
10km on a "Random Course" setting.
Avg. Speed 7.7
I don't have AHR but MHR was 133 (84%)
500m walk warm-down.
For today 10.5km
Every so often, a little sunshine comes into our lives. They are the moments we savour.