Monday, July 21, 2008

Two Weeks Later.........

.....on the trails for the first run since Gold Coast half marathon.

This morning's 12km felt quite good in spite of a filthy wind & fear of falling branches and trees. I've decided against running the C2S this year. Instead I'll spend more time preparing for some half marathons that lie ahead : Bankstown the Hidden Half (I think); Blackmores & Melbourne halves (definitely) & perhaps a few shorter runs...we'll see!

Thank you for all kind comments about my 'speedy' time at the Gold Coast & concern for my silly infected foot! The hilarious debacle with locking myself in the apartment prior to the start makes me believe that the little guy at the right is trying to tell me something!


  1. Glad to hear you are back on deck and running again.

  2. Shame you aren't doing C2S. Though if that cold weather keeps up in Sydney I'll probably wihs I wasn't doing it too.

    See you at Blackmores!

  3. The village of Mittagong?

  4. i wish my foot were infected, then i wouldnt have to run in this foul/fowl weather.

  5. Hi LL, sorry I misse dyou at the GC after-party. I left before you arrived. Congratulaions on the running such a good Half. You certainly put in the work for it, so well and truly deserved it. You obviously weren't deterred by all the troubles which beset you.

    I glad that you have recovered and are back training.
