If there's one single thing that I've felt with every marathon I've ever run, it's that I feel I've never run enough long runs in training and the long runs have never been long enough. In other words, not enough kilometres in the legs.
......and that's what I'm especially concentrating on this time round.
So.....36km yesterday!
3 x 12km loop : the first on Old South Road, 7:15am before the traffic started; second, to Inkerman Road and the third loop on Diamond Fields Road.
This took me just about 5 hours. A gel, water and sports drink at the car after each of the first 2 loops. Lots of hills and quite 'done in' by the finish. Yes, I did have a nap after that one! Feel good today though, Monday.
Good run Norma. Should do you good for that Boston Q at Sydney.