Not quite December yet, but today is the first day I've 'run ' since the beginning of November, so I'm quite happy to say 'goodbye' to this month, having had the most painful infection that I could ever have imagined in both eyes. During this time I spent 5 days in hospital ....screaming, crying & kicking (almost) from pain in my eyes & pounding headaches. Viral Conjunctivitis of the worst kind..say no more!
Anyhow, I was forced out of the lethargy that was fast becoming a daily routine, by the horrendous pictures of the terrorist attack in Mumbai.....lives suddenly & tragically ended; others, never to be the same again. It shocked me out of my little world of discomfort that I thought couldn't get much worse & so I went running this morning instead of waiting until Monday as I'd intended. Time is of the essence for everyone.
My run was a very easy, lower aerobic 50 minutes (AHR 75%) along Diamond Fields Road where all was quiet, the countryside green from recent rains...nothing to disturb the beauty & solitude of this lovely part of Mittagong and, even though the pictures of the terrorist attack were constantly before me, I completely loved being out & feeling my legs moving again, albeit ever so slowly!