Saturday, November 01, 2008

Recovery Day....

A drop of 10 degrees from yesterday's temperature is probably why I found this morning's short run so easy.

6km @ 75% of AHR.

6km in 46 minutes, AHR = 74%; MHR = 84% (I didn't slow down on the hills!).

Before today's run I had a great time driving & walking around the Renwick paddocks with the Vet & his wife who run cattle on this property. I was about to start my run as they pulled up & asked if I'd like to come with them. Of course I jumped at the opportunity & into the truck.

These are the paddocks where I take my dogs for their daily walk & for the last couple of weeks I've seen new calves have been born & I've been wanting to get up close & here was my chance while the vet checked that all was going well. One tiny little calf had just been born ...they could tell from the water still dripping from its navel! Nevertheless, his mum had it on its feet for a feed & by the time we left, she'd marched the little thing up the hill to the rest of the herd, who are so tame they can be fed by hand. I fed a full loaf of fresh bread to one of the mums & it was gone in seconds!

The Vet's wife is priceless! She knows every cow individually & has given each a name! "Dolly" is her favourite, but I could tell she knows & loves them all & they her. As I patted one of the mums, who hadn't yet been named, she came out with a loud "MOO", & so from that moment she was immediately named 'Moo'! Now, she's my special cow!

Not world shattering news this, but for me they were some of those lovely moments that not too often come our way.


  1. That's fantastic news! You can ask Moo to help me when I have calf problems.

  2. Thta's lovely news LL - and if it's not world shattering then it should be. If we all spent more time marvelling at the joy of a new born calf we'd all be much happier.
