Saturday, February 05, 2011

Nothing Doing!

 Right now,  I'd prefer winter snow!

Rest day; 35 degrees!  Tomorrow's forecast looks better...only 26 degrees and rain. Even so,  I have every intention of starting my long run at 5:30am.  I hope this best of intentions doesn't go astray as some of mine have been known to do!

I hate this stinking hot weather and the sooner it ends the better for me and all around me!


  1. I agree but I don't like the freezing cold either!! About 18-20deg for running suits me. Don't blame you for not running today. The humidity was awful. It slows me down so much:( That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!

  2. Poor Jim!

    On days like this you need to get out to an air conditioned cinema and see a good movie - like 'The King's Speech' or 'True Grit'.

    Hope your alarm survives the shock of the early start.

  3. We're hot in Brisbane too - though not as hot as you. The humidity here's a killer.

  4. Agree, Strewth! 18-20degrees will do me too!

    Right on, Ewen! Missed "The King's Speech", sorry to say, but as for "True Grit" I'll see "Gosford Park' any day!

    Char, the humidity is pretty bad here too; hate to think what it is up your way! Hope you were Ok during the floods. What a disaster for Q'ld these past weeks have been.
