Friday, September 05, 2008


I've been far too indulgent by posting only when there's been good news, so now I'm going to resume daily blogging...for the time being!

This week, so far :

Monday: 12km @ AHR 75%..Lower Aerobic.

Tuesday: 6km@ 75%..Lower Aerobic Recovery.

Wednesday: CHEV TRACK...2km warm-up, stretches, drills, strides & then

16 x 100m strides (with slow 100m j0g recoveries between each.

Thursday: 6km @ AHR 75%..Lower Aerobic.

Friday: 12km @ AHR 82%..Upper Aerobic.

Today, Friday, it's raining heavily. I went to the gym & used the treadmill for the above session & I found it so hard I tought I might die there & then! And on my 79th birthday too! Every so often I had to hop onto the sides to catch my breath. 12km upper aerobic run on a treadmill is enough to kill off the the toughest! However, I live to tell the tale & celebrate my 79th birthday....I can't believe it!


  1. wow! fancy doing a 12k tready run on your birthday?!

    Many happy returns!

  2. Not just a run but 12k on a tready ... now we are all going to feel extra guilty if we don't run on our birthday! Think of all the cake you can eat now :)

    Hope you are enjoying the rest of your special day.

  3. Happy burpday LL :-)

    12k on a tready, I'm very impressed - I can't even do 500m on a tready LOL

  4. Happy Birthday.

    Ya know, just today I was reading an orienteering mag, and the oldest competitor at some recent international comp was 94. Next year he will move up a class (to M95).

    Here's to many more birthdays on the treadmill of life. :-)

  5. Jumping on the sides is to test your reflexes - they're sharper than a runner half your age :)

    Happy bidet!

  6. Happy belated Birthday LL, and good girl for returning to regular blogging!

  7. Happy birthday,now you have to update your sub-heading to 3 score and sweet 19, love the cap , you must be rapped.

    L.L. come and see what I have been up to

  8. Love the cap too and a big happy birthday from me down south!!
