Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Against the Wind, Virtual Partner & the Grass Cutting Machine!

A short session at Chev track today :  6 x 400m @ 5:42 min/km (2:17 lap).

2km warm-up; few drills & strides.

1) 2:17.  Avg. pace 5:42; AHR 78%;  MHR 86%.
2) 2:13.  Avg. pace 5:33; AHR 77%;  MHR 83%.
3) 2:15.  Avg. pace 5:36; AHR  76%; MHR 84%.
4) 2:15.  Avg.pace 5:36;  AHR 77%;  MHR 84%.
5) 2:13.  Avg. pace 5:31; AHR 78%;  MHR 86%.
6) 2:16.  Avg. pace 5:39; AHR 77%;  MHR 87%.

1.6km warm-down.  

Except for the wind, this was a good session I think.  I managed to stay ahead of Virtual Partner easily but a huge grass cutting machine was another matter, hence the zig-zag up, down and across the lines of the soccer field for a warm-down!

1 comment:

  1. It was more than good... it was very goof! You'll be running out of sight on a bright morning come Sunday.

    P.S. Bring the RFRL book if you remember - so I can try to find your secrets ;)
