Friday, April 16, 2010

I Was Nearly Beaten!

I made a slight variation today in the course I usually use for tempo runs by including a couple of long hills. To my horror Virtual Partner was ahead of me just about all of the way by anything up to 16m. I pushed on the hills but couldn't seem to make any progress or get any nearer, so when I started on the downhill sections I set off in hot pursuit! Into the last flat kilometre, I flashed past VP who had put on his skates in the hope of winning, and touched base 18m in front! Poor old thing!

Program : 8km.

2km warm-up
4km @ 6:21min/km
2km warm-down

Results: 4km in 25 :17
AVG Pace 6:19

AHR 131 (82%); MHR 140 (88%)
Splits 6:21; 6:39; 6:07; 6:09

This was a little harder than I usually have to run on Friday's tempo run! Nothing more until Sunday's SMC Half Marathon.

1 comment:

  1. 18 metres is cutting it fine! You got your revenge on VP for last Sunday.

    Enjoy the barefoot runs at Chev before the frosty days arrive.
