Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Lilly's Puppies ~~~

But no sign of Lilly this morning.  The pups' owner told me that Lilly is spending a few days on the next property further up Inkerman Road, so I was only able to snap her two pups  for the brief second or two that they stood still!

My Run/Walk  :

Sunny morning, nice breeze but still quite humid.  I took much the same course as yesterday, run/walk again, puffing again and watching heart rate.  I am SO unfit!

While sitting on the grass later, I was bitten on the  butt by a giant bull ant!!  Has to have been a giant one judging by the pain it inflicted and the lump that formed.

I set of Magill Drills with strides...over 30m only.
7km run/walk
AHR 72%;  MHR 82%.

For today  ~~~  7km


  1. Aaw thank you for posting Lilly's puppy photos. That last one especially is such a good shot.

  2. Yes, those big soft eyes...hard to resist!
