Friday, July 08, 2005

I'm Still Here!

The Chickybabe blogger is still here! Back last night; couldn't get damned computer to work all day today! Have just posted a report on the main message board, but will write other thoughts here tomorrow.


  1. The computer must have missed you and gone into a sulk, LL.

    Glad to hear you got home safely, as we did - though I have a stinker of a cold and have spent all day in my jarmies on the couch! Mo went out for a run and I just had to grit my teeth and say 'Enjoy yourself' - the legs were willing but the head and chest were weak!

  2. Thank heavens you've posted! I was getting really worried about you, and hoped that you hadn't got too demoralised after the Cold Coast.
    Take care of yourself, and know that we are all thinking of you.
    Much love

  3. Welcome back LL - was wondering where you'd got too. The silence was deafening!!! Looking forward to hearing from you :-)

  4. Ah! The Doyenne of CR *hasn't* been abducted! :-) Good to hear you're back.


  5. Well done Norma on completing another long race, an inspiration to many!

