Thursday, December 31, 2009

First Run for 2010!

Phew!! Made it through to another year!!

.........and began with a reasonably tough 8km Tempo Run! The morning was hot and humid with storm clouds gathering. The aim was to run 8km at 6:29 to 6:32 min/km based on my 10km time of 63:20 at SMC in November, 2009.

The course was hilly but I tried to run at the 'effort' required for the pace if the course was flat; in other words, the average pace was slower than for a flat course. So, here's the results of my first run in 2010 :

2km warm-up in Radio Road.

Drills & strides; a drink of water & off I go...alone, leaving Virtual Partner to sleep off his New Year's Eve hangover!

8km tempo run
Avg. pace 6:39 min/km; Best 4:59min/km ...downhill!
AHR 132 (84%); MHR 142 (90%)
1km splits...... 6:22; 6:34; 6:28; 6:27; 6:38; 7:10; 7:06; 6:30

2km very slow warm-down in Radio Road.

This was a hard session - as it is supposed to be - in uncomfortble conditions. I was well and truly tired by the end of 8km and tempted to skip the warm-down, but I gritted my teeth and did it so as to get off to a good start in 2010!

I finished off the session by putting my head under a cold water tap in the school yard! Oh, what a feeling!

For today, and to begin another year of running and having fun....


  1. Aaaah - the cold water treatment - beautiful! You just need a lake to stand in for some ice cold water on your legs! Happy New Year LL - may all things beautiful come your way including lots more PBs and exciting adventures! :)

  2. That was a good tip to stay up to midnight to make sure I'd seen out another year ;)
