Sunday, March 09, 2008

Long Run....

No wonder the cows just stood or lay down and stared! Who was the crazy lady who ran past 18 times today?

Program : Long Run 27km (up to 3 or 5 more if feeling OK).

I decided on 3 x 9km loop out from & back to the car & then see how I felt. I felt OK & did another loop making 4 x 9km loop & each of the 18 times I passed these cows they hadn't moved. Easy to see who had more of the grey matter!

AHR = 96 (65%); MHR = 121 (82%).
Time = 5 hours.

An early start, but 5 hours later it was quite hot at 25 degrees. I walked all the steep hills & some of the flat. Felt OK for all except the last 9km loop....I was fading fast! At each return to the car I had a gel, sports drink & water. The last 9km I ran solely on the sugar from jelly beans!

Today's Total = 36.4km

Week's Total = 66.8km
The neighbours I wrote about had everything set out on a table in the stable : cold drinks in the fridge, my very own mug & even had left the radio on! The last time I called in the owners & horse had gone to a dressage competition & I had to strongly resist the temptation to stay & lie down in horses's bed of straw!


  1. Great run Norma. Running really good for Canberra.

  2. Wow, doing loops like that must make you mentally tough. Well done.

    PS I wish I had neighbours like yours!

  3. Cows - all moo and no movement!

    I think 18 laps would send me loco.

  4. Absolutely terrific effort LL. What a confidence booster for you. You must have been pleased to feel good enough to do the 4th loop.

  5. That's weird - I can't leave a comment on your elephant walk post. I was going to say "that elephant's running form is almost as good as yours".

    Good luck at getting up early in the morning!
