Sunday, August 07, 2005

Long Run.....100 minutes

What a shocker of a morning! A cold, constant blast of wind coming across to my right side going out & the same rip-roaring wind to my left side on the return when I surely felt I was moving sideways more often than forward & the last 2kms fully into my face. I should have had gloves but didn't realize it was going to be that cold, so instead I pulled my hands inside my sweater...wishing I could have pulled my head in too; & I had to do a negative split & I did -

Just 'talk to the animals' pace out....a slow 60 minutes (to even the distance to 7km!) & 45 minutes back, (didn't bother about the seconds), speeding (?) up & down the hills as hard as the elements would allow! I worked so hard against the wind on the way back!! Total of 14km - Time 105 minutes; negative split 15 minutes. I think/hope 'W' will be pleased with that! What a relief afterwards to get into a hot shower & then a bowl of hot oats for breakfast.

Week Beginning 8th - 14th August:

8 - 30 minutes easy run.
9 - 25 minutes easy run + 4 x 100m strides
10- TIME TRIAL - 3km hard (grrrrrr!)
11- Rest Day (d'lovely!)
12- 15 minutes easy run. *
13- Rest Day (another d'lovely day!)

*Change to - 30 minutes run with last 10 at 6:30-7:00 per km pace.


  1. Sounds horrible LL! I hope the rest of your program is more enjoyable.

  2. Wombat has more fur than us to keep the wind off! Not fair!

    A huge negative split LL, you have a great runner's temperament. I hope that we can catch up in Sydney.

  3. C2S is going to be a walk in the park for you LL. Wombat's training programme is turning you into a Super Hero.

  4. You ran 14k before you ate anything? Wow, you really are superhuman!

  5. Good to see you enjoying the Wombat Program Chickybabe. Look forward to catching up with you at C2S next week.

  6. Eddie, nothing, absolutely nothing, is 'a walk in the park' for Chickybabe, especially the C2S. I'm struggling all the time I'm 'running' - if you could call it running!

  7. that's impressive LL in nasty conditions too...

    C2S will be a breeze (pardon the pun) after that!
