Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Return of the Killer Rooster!

...He's back! I think he's part of the FBI or the CIA sent with the special mission of killing LL! Why else would he be there again the very minute I lie down on the grass to stretch?
I'd finished my run, hadn't seen the teenage killer for a few days, spread out my towel & lay down to stretch. So I wasn't looking anywhere except skywards when I heard the familiar "Cock-A-Doodle-Doo"! With unheard of speed I got to my feet & there he was guarding the only exit from the field! What to do?
I fled to the furthest corner of the field, looking for another way out, but the entire paddock in which the soccer field sits, is surrounded by closely spaced barbed wire! Well, I thought to myself, I'll do my stretching, keep a close eye on the killer & think about the battle later. And so it happened that, by the time I'd finished stretching, he was nowhere in sight.
No risks can be taken with anyone as devious as this rooster, so I found a big chunk of wood having decided that firstly I'd strike with the towel - I really didn't want to kill the bloody thing - but if one of us was going to go down in battle, it sure as hell wasn't going to be me!
Thus armed, I crept on tippy toes towards the exit, weapons at the ready. No chook anywhere! He didn't hear me coming & so I was able to run to the car & only then did I drop all the artillery!
But before all of that.......
Program: 10 -12km at AHR 110 (74%).
Distance = 12km. 6km laps = (1) 47:20 AHR 112 (75%). (2) 49:52 AHR 113 (76%).
This Week's Total = 48.7km


  1. I reckon that the Rooster is Ewen's alter ego, finding new way's to make you exercise. You didn't include "move rapidly from horizontal to vertical" and "sprint to car" in your session summary... :-)


  2. Oops! Did I really put an apostrophe in "ways" (and in a note to a chalky! Oh dear. I'm going to get my wrist slapped for that one. I must write out one hundred times "an apostrophe is a contraction or a possessive, not a plural").

    An abashed Gnome :-(

  3. "Ah say, we got 'er on the run, boooy, on the run. Are ya with ma boooy??"
