Wednesday, October 07, 2009

My best 5km at Chev Track!

I think it's my best 5km.....ever! On 29th September my time was 32:40. And not a nice morning today either : cold & windy.

2km warm-up.
I had Garmin's Virtual Partner programmed to finish in 32 minutes; nothing like a bit of competition to run faster! I love it when I see "YOU WON!" come up on the screen!

Time = 30:49.
AHR (139) 89%; MHR (153) 97%.
Splits 6:29; 6:07; 6:00; 6:09; 6:02

The rain started just as I finished; no warm-down!

Distance today 7km


  1. Good grief LL - there'll be no stopping you now. Look out in Melbourne Ewen and Thea! That is fantastic!

  2. Wow! Now you've got me worried. I'll get my spies to set off the fire alarm about 1am Sunday morning - or something like that!

  3. Now you have gone and done it. Ewen is that freaked out he might actually run faster in Melbourne for fear of being run down by a pair of speedy legs. Well done LL.
