Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Day 11 - A Hard Day.

..... .......Just "Me and My Shadow" the soccer field.

Program : Short Speed.

Warm-up, Stretches, Drills.

DIAGONALS : Run corner to corner (hard), slow jog across the field & run other
diagonal, jog across & continue.....4 diagonals.
Rest 3-5 minutes & repeat twice....12 diagonals in total.
Warm-down = 2 laps of the soccer field.

This was a HARD session, but I liked it as I do all the sessions that Ewen gives me to do; felt good & ran it "Hard" with goof form~!

Sunny but very windy in Mittagong today.

As for Mr G-armin...enough said! He went off his brain this morning & then started to tell me to slow down! Of course, it could be my settings I suppose!!


  1. nice photo's the Garmin going?

  2. allrounder, thanks for asking! The short answer's in a terrible mess right now..or rather, I'm the one in a mess! I 'blow it' every time I use it!
