Sunday, November 29, 2009

Trying Something New....

For the next two weeks I'm going to try the "Less Is More" program, which means three days of running ALL at VERY demanding paces based on my present 10km time (63:20) and two days of cross-training.

I sent the program which is from Runners' World to Ewen for an OK or NOT and he returned it with an OK for a two week tryout. As well, with his usual consummate skill, he'd converted all distances, paces etc from miles to metric. Looking at the program, that would have been a very time consuming task. Besides, he claims my maths are not as good as my English!

The three days I've chosen for running are Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
Friday.................Tempo Run
Sunday................Long Run
Monday & Tuesday...Cross-train including stationary bike, brisk walking, some drills, a few hills and strides.

I'll start this trial program tomorrow and update here each day. I might have to eat humble pie at the end of the two weeks...... but nothing ventured, nothing gained!


  1. "Less is more." Sounds good.
    Ewen, do you have a "hot is cold" program I can try this summer?
    LL, I have posted on my blog another "Simon's Cat" movie today, I know you are a fan.

  2. Good luck with your new program LL - it's always motivating to try something new. Do hope it works well for you. :)

  3. Fingers crossed for the new program; I'll be following with interest. xx

  4. You can always wash that "humble pie" down with a nice full bodied red.

    All the best with it LL.

  5. No Speedygeoff, but I'm working on a "cold feels hot" program for next winter.

    My maths are only better than yours LLs because I know how to drive a calculator! The calculator is my "Tom-Tom". Have fun trying the new program :)

  6. Sounds good LL!

    I think this is the program that Lulu was on a while ago and she found it very effective.

    Have fun!
