Monday, January 09, 2017

Bowral Parkrun ~~~~~

Improving at last!  Took some walk breaks going back up hill.


39:34   (82.79%)

AHR 121 bpm;  MHR 129 bpm
84% - 90% of max.

TE 2.4  Maintaining!

7:40; 7:5;   7:39;   7:48;   8:25 up the hill!

That was all good but the remainder of the weekend I spent in hospital .... this is getting to be a habit!  Struck down literally with excruciating stomach pains not long after coming home from parkrun, I finally had to call an ambulance.  In spite of it being Saturday, a scan was done immediately, bowel obstruction diagnosed and given 24 hours to right itself; nil by mouth for 48 hours did the trick and it did right itself just in time to avoid surgery!  Home this morning to a very distressed 'Amy'!

Easy days ahead until I feel it's OK to return to normal activities!  PHEW!  Another close call and more than enough for 2017!


  1. Good result for the parkrun. I was talking to Carolyne today - she said you are NOT to have any more close calls!
