Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Track ~~~ A Mess!

Full of enthusiasm, I drove across to Chev for this week's first workout; ready to warm-up, pressed the 'power on' button of the Garmin.......flat battery!  I could have sworn I recharged it yesterday after Saturday's long run.  What a mess : no GPS,  no stop watch or any kind of watch to let me know distance, pace or even time!

Program : 10-20 min warm-up
4 x 1200m in 6:57 (5:47m/k)
400m RI
10 min cool-down. 

The best I could do was assume the lane was 200m and run like mad for 6 laps to make approx. 1200m reps.   There's no doubt VP would have won each and every one today!  I did try as best I could but  I just couldn't put it all together, so it's probably a good thing I have no record of the session to haunt me further!

Between now and Fisher's Ghost 5km, 11 days, I'll concentrate mainly on the 3 key workouts, making sure I run at the paces set out in the program and just do some walking as cross-training in between.  I hope never to be so disorganized again!

Approx. 6.8km......I used the last 1200m as the cool-down!


  1. I've done that! So it wasn't, as Ruth likes to call it, 'a senior's moment' ;-)

    Yes, good idea to go easy on the cross-training days.

  2. You've done that?? Well,now I don't feel so bad!
