Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 5

The Session : 10 minutes slow jog......

2 x 10 minutes 'hard' running.

............ 6 minutes slow walk between each &
after the session.

I didn't like this session very much at all! It was tough!

Average HR = 85%; Max. HR = 90-95% of max.

1 comment:

  1. It was tough and that's why we do them.....
    That's also why the nutters who stay in bed or sit at their desk all day without exercise think all runners are nutters because we put ourselves through the pain barrier.

    With growing obesity due to a drop in activity and an increase in calorie intake with our kids (and some parents) you are a fantastic role model.
    Despite the pain, the cold etc you get out there and do what you need to do.

    It proves again and again, at any age there is no excuse. As Nike say

    Love your work chickeybabe.
