Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Day 4 -- A Moderate Day...3rd Series.

At Renwick soccer field, Mittagong.

15 minutes stationary cycling + 15 minutes Drills with 'goof' form.......................

followed by

6 x 100m - not sprinting! Also performed with 'goof' form!

and finished with

some stretches!!............................

Hallelujah, I'm A Bum!!!


  1. Hey LL, I like doing that stretch with both feet over your head too. It's the only stretch that I can get to loosen up my thoracic vertebrae. Didn't realise it looked so odd though!lol! Reminds me of the thread "You know you're a runner when..." you can lay in the middle of an oval in broad daylight and contort your body into all sorts of positions and not worry that other people night be questioning the purpose of said contortions.

  2. Wow LL, I wish I could do that!!!!

  3. That is definitely a stationary cycle. Yeh goof form looks good.

  4. Looks like you deserve the Cirque name more than me with those acrobatics.

  5. That's amazing!! I wouldn't even contemplate trying those types stretches.
    If you ever give up running , you could run away and join the circus ;-)

  6. Jim's a good photographer CB.

    Remember to keep the weight off your heels when doing that drill ;)

    Don't bump into the goal posts when doing the backwards part!

  7. Those moves are just like some of our yoga ones tonight only we had a wall to land our feet on! They do feel great though don't they!

  8. My hubby was asking who the chicky was, and why I couldn't be that flexible and have legs like yours. He was a little surprised to learn you were 3 times my age... :)

  9. Some great pics LL, I love doing the double leg stretch, I always feel the better for it.

