Monday, May 08, 2006

Day 9 - A Speed Session my dreams!!!!

The only weather where I can do this session indoors, is if there's a snow storm & lightning around! Just having a gale meant getting over to the track at Chev. where not only was there the wind to contend with, but all the distance markings had disappeared, except for the start & another at 200m. Next time I'll have to go armed secretly with my tape measure & can of spray paint - as I've done before - & leave a few dashes here & there to take the guess work out of the session!

So the best I could do with 2 Sets 100m, 200m, 300m, 200m, 100m after a warm-up & stretches, with 2:30 recoveries & 5 minutes between sets, was :

Set 1. 31.0; 1:02.9; 1:43.1, 1:05.1; 28.6
Set 2. 30.0; 1:02.6; 1:38.7; 1:02.3; 28.0

...none of these repeats were fast, but the emphasis for now is entirely on "Good Form" & not speed!! (I made a gaff there & had "Goof" Form... !!). If that's the case, thankfully no one was there to see it!


  1. Just tell WF the session is now 200's and 400's when you can't see the markers. You might get a bad report though for not following coaches orders. So don't listen to me.

  2. Ooh - it must be really cold up your way. Good for you for getting out there!
